Monday, May 31, 2010

A penny's worth..


I recycled a total weight of 32.8kg of goods today and i got RM6.60 for it. Honestly, I'm more excited about the fact that i can recycle rather than about the earnings, they were just icing on the cake for me.

Then, i remembered those people on the streets we see scavenging for cans in rubbish bins. Imagine how its like for them. An empty can only weighs a few grams, they have to collect at least a hundred just to get 1 kg of cans which is sold at a price of 20 cents.

Take a look at this man. He must at least have a few hundred cans in there and may be a couple hundred of bottles. From the way he's pulling at the cart, it sure does look heavy. Rationally estimating, let's say he has 150 kg. That's about the equivalent of two men sitting on that cart, just think of it as a rickshaw ride. Yeah, that would be logically possible. More than 150 kg, would be a challenge even for the most experienced rickshaw men. Now, for 150 kg, this man would get RM30.


How did you earn and spend your last RM30?

If you're reading this, it means you have internet access, which is a luxury. From this, i assume you're not scavenging in the streets.

A reminder to myself before others, be thankful that you have an education. Be thankful that you might have better job prospects, InsyaAllah. Be thankful that you have parents or other family members that work hard and give you money. No matter how much they earn, they still work, so that you don't have to work as hard as the man in the picture.


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