Friday, August 13, 2010



Promises. Delicate thing they are. We keep to them, people will have more faith in us and trust us. Keep to them, it will strengthen relationships and fortify bonds. Keep to them, it might just be the key to our success. Keep to them, it will set off a chain reaction of positivity. Keep to them and we will see smiles. Keep to them and InsyaAllah we will get our just rewards.

Break them, people might be wary in putting their trust in us. Break them, it might jeopardise relationships and weaken bonds. Break them, a fog of negativity fills the air. Break them, it might be the end of a business. Break them and you might break a heart too. Break them and we will get our punishment.

A promise is a commitment from one person to another, to do or not to do something. We give our word to try our best to stick with that commitment. We have to have the determination and will to keep to it. We have to be confident that we can do it in the first place. A promise is a spoken contract.

Alhamdulillah, I've managed to stay true to most of my promises. But, there are some that I've broken too. Yes, there is always a 'But'.

Here, I would like to ask for forgiveness from all those who I've wronged and had not kept my word to. There are lots of things I need to ask forgiveness for, but I think I'll start with my undone promises because a promise is a promise.

“Dan penuhi (sempurnakanlah) perjanjian (dengan Allah dan manusia) sesungguhnya perjanjian itu akan ditanya.”-(Al-Israk:34).

In Islam, a person is held responsible towards their promises and can only break them due to old age or sickness or because of unavoidable circumstances or situations.

And for those who know me, I rarely give out promises and when I do, I mean them. So for whatever reason I couldn't keep my promise to you, I hope you do forgive me. InsyaAllah, I'll improve on keeping to all my promises. I'll definitely try my best to.

A reminder to myself before others:

A promise needs to be said with sincerity. A promise needs to be carried out with integrity.

And for the Muslims, a promise needs to be said with 'InsyaAllah'.

Promises aren't meant to be broken.

I'm sorry.


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